Georgia Rx Drug Card
Free Prescription Card
Our Community Assistance Program offers a Rx drug card to all Georgia residents that need assistance with their prescription coverage. We developed this program so that people without insurance could save the same as people do with insurance.
These drug cards work best for those who do not have insurance and or are under-insured. One hundred percent of FDA drugs that are on the market are covered under this plan and can be used over and over again.
These prescription cards can be used at any participating pharmacy and there are over 56,000 pharmacies the accept our cards. USA Drug Plan cards are not associated by a persons name and can be used by anyone. Our free prescription cards can not only be used in Georgia but can also be used anywhere throughout United States.
In order to receive your card, you must fill out the form or copy the card from the website and take it to your local pharmacy along with your prescription.
Each time that you visit a different pharmacy you must present the card. Once the pharmacy has this card on file, you will never have to give the card to them again.
How to use the card: You have a few ways to require a prescription card. You can fill out the form below and have a hard copy sent to you. You can request as many as you want.
You can also print or copy the card from your computer.
Once you have the card you can take it to your local participating pharmacy along with your prescription and begin saving instantly.
If you need assistance in any way, you can always contact us and we will guide you or answer any questions that you might have. If you know someone that does not have a computer and would like for us to send them a drug card then just fill out the form with their name and address and we will send out the card the same day.
Category: Pharmacy